Pitching Motion: Proper Techniques and Mechanics for the Complete Pitcher (2024)

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In the pitchingmotion there are various phases of pitching. In our baseball article here we will pick up the phases of pitching in the pitchers delivery from the power-L pitching mechanic and continue with the motions until the follow-through is completed.

This will notget into the biomechanics of pitching a baseball. We will mainly point our recommendations for proper pitching mechanics. The correct baseball pitchers motion adds to the chances of

1. Throwing more strikeswith different pitches.

2. Maximizingpitching velocity with baseball pitcher speed and still have control and command of pitches.

3. Reducing the riskof arm injuries and pitcher injuries with sound biomechanics of throwing.

4. Make it easierto get the pitching mechanics back on track if we get out of sync.

Power 'L' Pitching Technique

The first phaseof pitching we will start with is the place in the baseball pitching motion when the front foot lands on the pitching mound.

We call thispitching technique the Power-L. The throwing arm ideally is shaped in an L shape.

This is themost powerful throwing position for a pitcher to get to.

If we stoppedthe pitching video from a side view when the front foot lands the pitching arm will come very close to forming the letter ‘L’.

Front Stride Leg:
Baseball Pitching Mechanics

One of thebest tips on pitching is to land the stride leg with the front knee bent. Avoid locking the front leg in a straight position.

The straight lockedfront leg causes balance problems, higher risk for arm injuries and more difficulty controlling pitches.

Some famous pitchershave a slight bend and others bend the knee at a 90 degree angle. This is a personal preference with young pitchers—just make sure the leg lands with the knee bent and remains bent during the pitching motion finish.

Front Foot: The Complete Pitcher

Another pitching tipthat seems kind of insignificant but is rather vital is the front foot position when the foot lands on the pitching mound. The foot should land on the ‘ball of the foot’ and NOT the heal first.

The important pitchingtip is to keep the foot slightly pigeon-toed and firmly locked into the pitching mound.

This keepsthe front shoulder from prematurely opening-up causing the pitcher to ‘fly open’ and lose command of pitching accuracy and pitching speed.

Do not allowthe foot to ‘spin’ or ‘open-up’ during the pitching motion. Also, keep the feet aligned straight to the catchers target.

Avoid stepping ‘across your body’ as this adds difficulty in body balance and command of pitches.

Glove Arm: Baseball Throwing Mechanics

Let us takea look at some more pitching tips for baseball concerning the pitchers glove arm.

Ideallythe baseball pitcher will use the glove arm elbow to point toward the throwing target. Fold the arm and keep the glove near the front chest muscle.

As the bodytrunk rotates the glove arm will fold up next the body just like a karate puncher would do with the non punching arm. Avoid pointing the glove arm straight at the throwing target.

Study the prosand famous pitchers. They are not always right, but baseball is their business. Why ask a butcher how to roof your house?

Back Leg: More Pitching Mechanics

Good pitching mechanicsinclude the pitchers back leg releasing from the pitching rubber. The pitching rubber foot rotates over on the toes, lifts high up into the air and begins to return the ground well after the arm has released the ball.

The back leg landseven or slightly behind the front foot, softly and rolled over on the toe.

The large majorityof body weight should stay on the front stride leg to force the body balance over the bent front leg. The chest should come close to the front thigh area allowing the back leg to raise high in the air before landing after the ball has been thrown.

Balance on Front Leg in the Pitch Motion

The final phasesof pitching in the pitch motion has the young pitchers displaying body balance on the bent front leg all they way through the pitch motion.

Being able tocontrol the body balance over the bent front leg helps increase pitching velocity combined with command of different baseball pitches.

Avoid over-stridingduring baseball workouts, pitching practice drills and bullpen pitching.

Keep the strideat no more than five of the pitchers shoe lengths. This will help youth pitchers avoid putting undo burden on the throwing arm and causing injuries.

For more pitching tips click to Pitching 101 from Pitching Motion

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Pitching Motion: Proper Techniques and Mechanics for the Complete Pitcher (2024)


Pitching Motion: Proper Techniques and Mechanics for the Complete Pitcher? ›

Ideally the baseball pitcher will use the glove arm elbow to point toward the throwing target. Fold the arm and keep the glove near the front chest muscle. As the body trunk rotates the glove arm will fold up next the body just like a karate puncher would do with the non punching arm.

What are the 5 basic steps of pitching? ›

Coach Corral's basic steps to pitching include the setup, the step back, the plant foot, the leg lift, power position, release and extension.

What is the proper pitching stance? ›

The pitcher stands on the pitching rubber with the toe of his pivot foot extending over the rubber and his free foot shoulder's width away. Stand facing the catcher with your shoulders square. The pitcher's hands should be at the belt or held mid-chest. This starting position should be comfortable and effortless.

What is pitcher motion? ›

During the delivery of the pitch, the pitcher must take one step forward, in the direction of home plate. Alternatively, the pitcher may step off the rubber with their pivot foot (the right foot, for right-handed pitchers) or step toward and throw or feign a throw to a base, subject to the balk rules.

How to pitch a baseball accurately? ›

Your front arm should stay closed and your front elbow should be at a comfortable angle (45-90 degrees). Your throwing arm should hit what's called your "sweet spot" which is the point where you throwing arm is at its lowest point during your motion.

What are the 4 P's of pitching? ›

4P Sales Copywriting Formula - Promise, Picture, Proof, Pitch (or Push)

What are the 3 P's of pitching? ›

Preparation, Presentation, and Participation.

What is the golden rule of pitching? ›

First Golden Rule to Nail a Pitch: Have an elevator pitch that is less than 10 seconds. First, investors are busy. They hear thousands of pitches every day. If you can catch their attention in the first 5 seconds, you've succeeded at the first golden rule to nail your pitch.

What are the don'ts of pitching? ›

DON'T ramble. Keep your pitch short, simple, and specific. You should have a 2-minute version of your pitch that conveys your basic business model, your "unfair advantage," and an exact funding target. You're not trying to raise "between $1.5 - 2 million." You're raising “$1.8 million.”

What is pure pitching motion? ›

Pitch Angle Calculation: Pure Pitching, i.e. ϕ = 0 • During pure pitching motion, i.e. 0 • roll, the pitch angle can be calculated from Figure 9 or equivalently Figure 3, where S denotes the perpendicular distance of the projected horizon line from the center of the image.

What is an illegal pitching motion? ›


(1) a pitch delivered to the batter when the pitcher does not have the pivot foot in contact with the. pitcher's plate; (2) a quick return pitch, or in Little League (Majors)/Minor League: (3) any other act meeting the criteria established in Rule 8.05. ( See also Definition of Pitch)

What is the pitcher mechanism? ›

Ball separates from glove with the palm of the throwing hand facing down and fingers on top of the ball. The path of the throwing arm to full extension is down, back, around and up through release. Glove-side hip remains closed and pointing toward the plate, until the stride foot is down and the torso begins rotating.

How do you pitch perfectly? ›

Take a look at these easy-to-follow pitch tips to make an impression.
  1. Prepare with care. ...
  2. Have an elevator pitch. ...
  3. Practice your pitch. ...
  4. Don't skimp on basic explanations. ...
  5. Know what makes a presentation boring. ...
  6. Give buzzwords a swerve. ...
  7. Use your enthusiasm. ...
  8. Build in question and answer periods.
May 17, 2021

What is the best way to practice pitching? ›

Stand in pitching position: Adopt your preferred pitching stance and grip an imaginary baseball. Perform the pitching motion: Go through your normal pitching motion, concentrating on form and technique. Pause at crucial points: Hold at the leg lift, power position, and follow-through to reinforce proper mechanics.

How does a pitcher pitch a perfect game? ›

A perfect game in baseball happens when a pitcher or pitchers win a baseball game by retiring all 27 opposing batters without allowing a single baserunner. That means no hits, no walks, no hitting by a pitch, and no mistakes by the catcher or fielders that let a batter get on base.

What are the 5 Ps of pitching? ›

Impressing angel investors: The five Ps
  • 1) Pitch. In a world where investors are bombarded with pitches, it is crucial to make yours stand out from the crowd. ...
  • 2) Presentation. Once you have the opportunity to present your pitch to investors, it's time to create an impactful pitch deck. ...
  • 3) Proof. ...
  • 4) Price. ...
  • 5) Passion.
Jul 12, 2023

What are 5 key elements of a pitch? ›

5 key elements of the perfect sales P-I-T-C-H
  • P- Problem solver (Show how you have a solution that works) ...
  • I- Inspire an action (Have an end goal in mind that you're leading them to) ...
  • T- Tailor it to the audience. ...
  • C- Concise (be quick and to the point) ...
  • H- Heart (Be passionate!)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.